Sick & Injured Students

The Sick Child
Students who are ill do not focus well on academic instruction and risk infecting their classmates. Do not send your child to school if they have the following symptoms: fever (100.0) or low grade fever (99.8 F and above); signs of the flu: cough, chills, muscle aches and malaise, vomiting, diarrhea; exhibiting red eyes with discharge; untreated head lice; or unexplained rash not related to plants. It is best to contact your child’s pediatrician for guidance when your child is experiencing these symptoms.

Students may return to school if:

  • they are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medicines
  • they have had at least three doses of antibiotics for strep throat or other infectious disease with no fever
  • they have not vomited or had diarrhea for twenty-four hours. If you feel your student has vomited due to non-infectious reasons, please contact the school nurse for guidance.

Students Who Become Ill or Injured at School
Students will be given medical care in the clinic. The nurse will notify parents (or emergency contacts) should the condition of your child’s illness or injury require rest at home or further medical attention. Any child who is exhibiting symptoms of illness that has not previously been discussed with the school nurse BEFORE coming to school or without a documented medical history will be sent home. Students are to be picked up from the clinic within 30 minutes of being notified.

Students Who Have Sustained an Injury
If your child has sustained an injury and requires the use of an orthopedic device (sling, boot, cast, crutches, etc.), parents must provide a physician’s note upon the student’s return to school, detailing the nature of the injury, the device needed, any precautions to be taken while at school (refraining from PE and recess, elevation, etc.), and the anticipated duration of recovery.


COVID guidance is reflective of current public health recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Virginia Department of Health (VDH), and FCHD. Please refer to the COVID-19 page for current close contact and quarantine guidelines.