Grading & Honors

Overall evaluation of students is based on teacher judgment and observation of the student’s daily work, class participation, effort and performance on teacher prepared tests (to include but not be limited to projects, portfolios and other tools of assessment).

The purpose of report cards is to alert the parents and present to them an assessment of their child’s achievement in his/her academic studies. Kindergarten report cards are issued twice a year in January and June. Report cards for Grades 1-8 are issued four times a year.

Mid-quarter interim reports are sent home to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty or where grades and/or conduct are dropping significantly or showing a great need for improvement in grades 1-2. For grades 3-8, the PowerSchool grade reporting system allows parents and students to see academic and behavioral progress on a weekly basis. 

Students in Grades 4-8 are eligible to be placed on the honor roll with the fourth grade students’ eligibility starting at the midpoint of the year.

  • First Honors recognizes students who maintain grades of 93 or above in all classes and ME (meets expectations) for arts and skills, social and work characteristics, and nothing below “2” for academic effort and conduct.
  • Second Honors recognizes students who maintain grades of 85 or above in all classes and ME for arts and skills, social and work characteristics, and nothing below “2” for academic effort and conduct.


The purpose of the NJHS is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage good citizenship in the students of secondary schools. The St. Louis chapter of the National Junior Honor Society was formed to recognize 7th and 8th grade students who have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement, and also demonstrate qualities of leadership, character, good citizenship, and willingness to render service to their school community.