St. Louis School (K-8) » Curriculum » STEM Program

STEM Program

St. Louis Catholic School fosters an engaging and comprehensive approach to science education for our PreK-8th Grade students. Our school's commitment to scientific exploration is facilitated through a multifaceted strategy that integrates textbook study, research, and hands-on experimentation in our fully equipped science laboratory.

In our K-5 grades, our educators seamlessly blend the renowned Scott Foresman and Foss next-generation text series with Delta Science Education readers. For our 6-8 grades, we employ the Kesler inquiry-based learning stations, skill builders, and experimental modules to provide a holistic understanding of scientific concepts. This comprehensive curriculum is designed to not only impart knowledge but also to ignite a passion for inquiry and discovery.

As part of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiative, students have the opportunity to visit our state-of-the-art science lab on a weekly basis. Here, under the guidance of our dedicated STEM Lab Teacher, they witness firsthand how classroom theories manifest in the real world. Through practical applications and interactive learning experiences, our students develop critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, and decision-making skills. Embracing the value of learning from both successes and failures, our approach nurtures resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges.

Our laboratory environment is carefully crafted to encourage students to design their own investigations, apply scientific reasoning, adeptly utilize laboratory equipment, meticulously record data, analyze results, and engage in meaningful discussions about their findings. This hands-on approach not only enriches their academic knowledge but also equips them with essential life skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.

We are dedicated to cultivating a generation of enthusiastic and proficient young scientists, ready to make their mark in the world.